“Success at the Sales” was compiled to include much of the information from the “Plain and Simple” series as well additional information regarding selling yearlings at public auction. It has been used by multiple educational programs as a teaching tool and has been very well received. Interested in a hard copy? Contact us and we would be happy to provide you the materials!
Go to the Success at the Sales Guide
The "Plain and Simple" Series
The “Plain And Simple” series of educational books appearing below has received acclaim from all around the world. These booklets continue to assist horsemen in understanding key sales issues and facts. The easy to read booklets have been published in several languages and are widely circulated in North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan in a goal to make the sales scene better for international participants.

Vet Work - Plain and Simple: Volume III: Glossary of Veterinary Terms
©Consignors And Breeders Assn.
A glossary of terms and phrases commonly used at the sales and in veterinary reports. Veterinary terms listed include examples of high performing horses with similarly reported veterinary findings.

Success At The Sales - Plain And Simple: 50 Things You Need To Know, do and remember
©2008 Consignors And Breeders Assn.
A guide to help find yearling buyers plan effectively and succeed in the yearling marketplace.

Buying Sales Yearlings - Plain And Simple
©2006 Consignors And Breeders Assn.
An expose of many widely known "Sales Myths" and a Q&A with trainers.

Vet Work - Plain And Simple: Scoping
©2005 Consignors And Breeders Assn.
The CBA's first education initiative. This booklet provides a comprehensive explanation of the scoping process and results.

Vet Work - Plain And Simple: OCDs In Sale Horses
©2006 Consignors And Breeders Assn.
A comprehensive explanation of the subject of OCDs in the sale horse.